
Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and marewa

Blog Action Day 08 - Poverty

Oct 25, 2008

Blog Action Day 2008 is today, 15 October 2008!

Blog Action Day in 2008, chose this issue in the campaign POVERTY, is an event / global campaign that tries to unify blogger, podcaster, to videocaster warned on the same day is today.

The aim is to increase awareness of the issues selected and trigger the occurrence of a global discussion.

Do not missed the opportunity to participate in this global action. Register now-you blog and get involved in this campaign, see what you can do, even if you only own.
The same, concrete action by the bloggers and other online activists, in the scope of smaller, namely Indonesia also we can do.

Platform and is already forumnya: Blogger Party 2008, how the forum later we also made our brainstorm session with trying mengkristalkan important issues that we can tackle together as a blogger and provide a significant contribution to the public, Thus, blogging for the society.

Save and note ideas that I have with each other in the head all the friends, discussed with friends in the community and we will be together, online and offline in the Blogger Party.

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